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1-to-1 coaching

Daniel Barea coach

My background as a behavioural analyst combined with my experience with the Wim Hof Method - which involves helping people face their greatest fears and smash through them - has proven to be a unique and powerful combo.

The results have been simply off the charts. 

After my events, the question I most get asked is, 

"What's next?"


People often have a powerful experience, and it tends to awaken something in them.

Perhaps they remember that there's something they really want to do with their lives, something that requires big change, and that they've been putting off for ages.

Maybe it's an about-turn in careers; or starting a business; or a total change in lifestyle (think of the corporate guy who dreams of living a simple life by the beach, or the artist in an office longing to launch out on her own).


Yet, it seems some invisible force is stopping them.

At the centre of my philosophy is the belief that everything you need to get by in life is found right there within yourself. You don't need to look far and wide - look within, and you'll find the strength, resilience, healing, energy, love, and wisdom you need.


But we all need a little extra guidance sometimes - especially if you're considering a major change in your life. 

This is why I've opened the opportunity for 1-to-1 coaching with me.

"To face fear is to conquer it."

Many people have now gone from being totally 'stuck' - a place of lack of clarity, fear, analysis paralysis, confusion, and lack of belief - to knowing exactly what they need to do, finding purpose, getting rid of the excuses, and creating real, tangible change in their lives.


They learn to become fearless, and develop a resilience that fills them with confidence and prepares them for the future.


Once they see things for what they are, and drop the stories that were holding them back, amazing things begin to happen - very often within a few weeks!

Does this sound intriguing?

Book a free coaching session
“I had a feeling that working with Dan was going to change me. It sounds like an exaggeration, but I started thinking differently even after our first conversation."

S. Kiln, UK

5 pillars of The Breathing Hub Coaching

Waking Up

Welcome to

If you're serious about change, this powerful 3-month coaching program is your turning point. 

Weekly coaching conversations

Weekly calls

Once a week we will be peeling through layers and closing in on what it is that brings you a deep sense of purpose. You'll see clearly what is missing, what you need to do, & what's been stopping you.

My role is to help you understand your behaviours, challenge you, & offer you different perspectives, & totally new approaches.

Creative solutions to overcoming your obstacles

Creative approach

Because of my experience within a variety of disciplines, we have the luxury of choosing and combining different techniques and methods in order to maximise results. Apart from the conversations and planning, we may try out thought experiments, meditations, reflective writing, ice baths, breathing exercises, or climbing a mountain! 

A plan that will work for you

Personalised plan 

Every week you will have a plan of action - something important to do that will propel you in the right direction. We take bold action, build on your successes, and quickly begin to see the compounding results of your efforts. There's no such thing as a plan that 'didn't work'; the plan is tweaked until it does what you need it to!

Aim at your goals

Laser focus 

I bring together concepts from psychology, science, and philosophy that will 'click' in you and have an immediate, and very practical, impact. Our only focus will be on getting you to where you want to be. No distractions. No excuses. No more procrastinating. This is the real deal, so you better be ready!

Book a free coaching session


If this is resonating with you, let's book in a call. I'll be very interested in hearing what you have in mind,  

and you may find just this conversation useful. 

You'll get a feel for what I do, I'll explain how it all works and answer any questions you may have.

Book your call below
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